Our mayor is giving himself a 79% raise!

No one truly believes this is right or fair, yet it is happening nonetheless. Our City Council appears to have forsaken their oath and adopted a strategy of appeasing the mayor. In return, they were offered a substantial raise of 58%. To mitigate public outrage, they reduced their own raise to 50%. However, in practice, it feels as though they were rewarded for facilitating the mayor’s salary increase.

The collective power of Quincy’s citizens is the only force that can start to regenerate democracy and justice in Quincy. This is the goal of A Just Quincy.

Some wisdom from our roots:
Alexander Hamilton wisely noted in Federalist Paper 73 that adjustments to elected officials’ salaries should “neither weaken his fortitude by operating on his necessities, nor corrupt his integrity by appealing to his avarice.”

Benjamin Franklin stated at the Federal Convention, “Reasons will never be wanting for proposed augmentations. And there will always be a party for giving more to the rulers, that the rulers may be able in return to give more to them.”

We are collecting signatures for two referendum petitions to repeal these two salary-increase ordinances. We need a lot of signatures in a short amount of time. Learn how you can help here.